
Showing posts with the label cells

A railroad of cells: Computer simulations explain cell movement

Originally published by the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, on June 19, 2024 Snapshots of the cell railroad. Cells stretch away from a fish scale (left) into artificial lanes (red) and form trains (middle) in different sizes (right). Credit: Vercurysse, Brückner et al./Nature Physics Looking under the microscope, a group of cells slowly moves forward in a line, like a train on the tracks . The cells navigate through complex environments. A new approach by researchers involving the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) now shows how they do this and how they interact with each other . The experimental observations and the following mathematical concept are published in Nature Physics . The majority of the cells in the human body cannot move . Some specific ones , however, can go to different places . For example, in wound healing, cells move through the body to repair damaged tissue . They sometimes travel alone o r in different group sizes. Althou

Discovery shows how cells defend themselves during stressful situations

Originally published by Lisbeth Heilesen, Aarhus University, on February 27, 2024 Figure shows stress granule formation after oxidative stress in wild-type cells and cells depleted for the ac4C acetyltransferase enzyme NAT10. Credit: Pavel Kudrin A recent study by an international research team has unveiled an exciting discovery about how our cells defend themselves during stressful situations . The research, published in EMBO Reports , shows that a tiny modification in the genetic material , called ac4C, acts as a crucial defender, helping cells create protective storage units known as stress granules . These stress granules safeguard important genetic instructions when the cell is facing challenges. The new findings could help shed light on relevant molecular pathways that could be targeted in disease . Stress granules are an integral part of the stress response that is formed from non-translating mRNAs aggregated with proteins. While much is known about stress granules,

Integrating AI with super-resolution microscopy for advancements in cellular biology

     Originally published by Deborah Acheampong, Simon Fraser University, on December 11, 2023 MCS-DETECT captures MERC changes induced by RRBP1 knockdown. In 2014, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry celebrated the breakthroughs in super-resolution microscopy , a technology that allows us to capture highly detailed images of small parts of cells using fluorescent microscopy. Despite its success, the resolution of super-resolution microscopy still can't show tiny distances between organelles in cells.organelles This gap is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Biomedical Computer Vision intersect , as researchers from SFU Computing Science and UBC School of Biomedical Engineering and Life Sciences Institute reveal how AI enhances super-resolution microscopy capabilities and contributes to cellular biology advancements. Their mission is clear: to overcome the limitations of hardware (super-resolution microscopy) through innovative algorithms (AI) . Their latest work, pu