
Showing posts with the label covid

Brain-Muscle Crosstalk in COVID / Alzheimer

Scientists identify a signaling pathway that triggers muscle fatigue in response to nervous system inflammation or infections like SARS-CoV-2. Originally published by Sneha Khedkar at The Scientist, on Jan 21, 2025 ABOVE: Nervous system infection or inflammation trigger brain-muscle signaling pathways that cause muscle fatigue. ©iStock,  Chinnapong In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic escalated, many universities shut down or reduced the capacities of research laboratorie s in an attempt to limit the spread of the virus. At Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis , developmental biologist Aaron Johnson was permitted one person in his lab to keep things running. Shuo Yang , then a postdoctoral researcher working on muscle developmental biology, stepped up. An immunologist by training, Yang, now at Fudan University, was curious to learn more about the virus that was wreaking havoc in the world. Since h is model organism—the fruit fly—was not naturally susce...